Activities marking this year’s Ikeji Aro have since commenced in Arochukwu. The celebration will climax on Eke traditional market day, which is tomorrow in the ancient town of Arochukwu, Abia State, with cultural displays. Arochukwu is the cradle of Igbo civilisation. The theme of this year’s festival is “Ikeji Arochukwu: Nigeria’s Home of Tourism”.
In the ancient days, Arochukwu was the abode of the supreme God – Chukwu. Because people always needed answers from Chukwu, Arochukwu became a pilgrimage centre, bringing spiritual succor to the patrons. With that kind of responsibility, every Aro man came to be regarded as a priest of the Chukwu, and they travelled far and wide bringing pilgrims to the City of God, for indeed that is what the word ‘Arochukwu’ means.
Indeed Ikeji Aro festival has been celebrated in more than 350 Aro Diaspora communities in Nigeria, where Aro people lived and still live to date.
They include Aro Ndizuogu, Aro Okporoenyi, Aro Ikwere, Aro Ngwa, Aro Izombe, Aro Cameroun, Aro Ajalli, Aro Oru, Aro Ndike , Aro Ndiokpalaeke, Aro Ndiowu, Aro Orji and Aro Ohaozara amongst others. Interestingly, all the Aro Diaspora communities still maintain ancestral bondings with their kindred and villages in the Aro homeland.
Each key day of the 17 days of the Ikeji brings together different segments of the community in reenactment of events depicting Arochukwu history. The different peoples of Aro descent choose the period of Ikeji to return and pay homage to their ancestral homeland.
The ‘Afor Okpo na Aza Awada’, which was held on September 4, is the ceremony which signifies the beginning of Ikeji, and this is performed at Ugwuakuma village. During the period of the festival, each of the nine Otusi that make up Aro Kingdom (Akuma Nnubi, Eze Alu Akuma, Ivijioku, Amata Eze Obim, Okennachi, Bianko Nnaezema, Amaja, Ezeagwu and Okwara Agwu Eke) visit Awada Aro Okeigbo to rekindle the ancient bonds that hold them together as a people.
The major days of the festival calendar are Eke Odu, Afor Osu and Nkwo Ekpe Ibom Isii. Nkwo Ekpe ceremony is held at Ibom Village Square. Several cultural displays, including dances and masquerade contests are showcased, especially those of the Ibom Isii villages. The highlight of the occasion is the wrestling contest; the contestants never fail to respond to the rhythm of the talking drums as the combination of dance steps and wrestling skill is entertaining. At the end, Odu Mgbede Ibom entertains and leads Eze Aro and his entourage back to Aro Palace at Oror Village.
On Eke Ekpe day, which is the grand finale of the festival, each of the 19 villages that make up the polity of Arochukwu performs a masquerade or a peculiar dance at the communal square, Amaikpe. The activities of these events are very fascinating and interesting to watch. Knowledgeable judges in Aro culture are appointed to select the best performing village. At the conclusion of events on Eke Ekpe day, a winner is announced to the admiration and jubilation of the people.
Meanwhile Ikeji Aro annual lecture has already been held on September 4, as a prelude to the Ikeji (new yam) festival. This event is a forum for the Aro nation to discuss the tradition, Christianity and idolatory worship as it affects Arochukwu culture.
Tomorrow is the D-day
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