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Showing posts from October 18, 2016

Introducing mtn 4G Lite by fred™

What is LTE? LTE (Long Term Evolution) stands for the 4th generation of telecommunications technology that delivers very high data speeds. With LTE, you can enjoy HD Video Streaming, Video and voice calls, superfast downloads, online gaming and so much more. What can I do with 4G? LTE offers faster download and upload speeds that will considerably improve your internet experience. With LTE you can stream music and video, upload and download faster. You can essentially use your mobile or tablet like a fixed line internet connection. How will I know that I am connected to 4G network on my mobile? The 4G signal will be reflected on your 4G Smartphone signal bar. How Do I Check If My Device Is 4G Enabled Ensure you are in a 4G enable area or Visit the nearest MTN store or any phone store near you to be sure the device supports Band 7 (2600mHz) .

Fed. Poly Nekede HND Admisison List 2016/2017 Released

This is to inform all prospective candidates who applied for admission into HND Morning, Evening & Weekend programme of the Federal Polytechnic Nekede that the school management has released its 2016/2017 HND admission list HOW TO CHECK YOUR ADMISSION STATUS - Visit the admission checking portal by  Clicking here Chose your programme type (e.g HND Morning, HND Evening or HND Weekend) - Enter your HND application form no. (e.g FPN/ HNDX/16XXXXXXX) - Click on 'submit' button to view your admission status  Success to the admitted once