Avoid MC from now on. Our Customs Services warned that a large quantity of the fake product was conveyed from China to Senegal, where 196 people have died from it's consumption. It is advanced that the fake product contains a lethal chemical substance that is inimical to health. Those of you that use this product, be observant! Pass info to your contacts to save millions of lives. If in doubt, Google "Bouillon Culinaire Maggi" (Maggi :Culinary Broth). Don't be careless!
Avoid MC from now on. Our Customs Services warned that a large quantity of the fake product was conveyed from China to Senegal, where 196 people have died from it's consumption. It is advanced that the fake product contains a lethal chemical substance that is inimical to health. Those of you that use this product, be observant! Pass info to your contacts to save millions of lives. If in doubt, Google "Bouillon Culinaire Maggi" (Maggi :Culinary Broth). Don't be careless!
Not true
ReplyDeleteanother false news
ReplyDeleteSays by who
DeleteFake news, no other news about 196 people dying whatsoever of Maggi cubes
ReplyDeletebut in this case, consuming too much Maggi Cubes dissolved in whatever meal you make IS in fact dangerous to your health because the three main ingredients of Maggic Cube are Salt, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), and Hydrogenated palm oil or Trans fat. Too much of said ingredients can lead to heart problems and such
source: https://jogglewithcollins.wordpress.com/2015/11/27/the-dangers-of-consuming-too-much-maggi-a-potential-killer-in-the-kitchen/
please fact check your "news" next time before posting because this can lead to very dangerous consequences in the media